Well, we have brought resources with us, but never quite as much as this time! We are pushing the limits of the luggage requirements and sure hope our scale is correct.
In our luggage are nine lightly-used laptops for the Bukani students, thanks to the generous donation of a business. When we get to Port Elizabeth, these will be equipped with new hard-drives with Windows and open source Office installed, thanks to donors to The Kugler Education Fund. We've also been able to purchase new memory for some of the older computers at Bukani. It's been a bit hectic the last few weeks, but so well worth it.
We're also carrying Big Books and associated readers. This includes two Big Books that Larry created himself, with words of songs that the students love to sing with him -- "She'll Be Comin' 'Round the Mountain" and "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands." Of course we are also bringing Larry's guitar! How could we be there without singing with the kids?!
Oh yeah, we are also carrying on 4 car shock absorbers. We have friends who are indeed like family there, and they need shock absorbers so they can drive their car. Since the part would have to be imported from the U.S. (and far too expensive), they asked if we can bring them in. Sure!
Do we have room for clothes, you ask? We're just lucky the weather is warm and our clothes are light. Eileen, a chronic over-packer, had to learn to really assess what is necessary.
Our trip will take 33 hours, including an overnight stay in Johannesburg. It's all worth it.
Eileen and Larry Kugler volunteer in A.V. Bukani Primary School in rural South Africa to improve literacy through professional development for the teachers and family engagement programs. Their daughter Sara has joined them on several trips. In 2010 they created a school library of 23,000 books which impacts the entire community. They returned in 2019 for their 6th trip. Contributions through the Kugler Education Fund at South Africa Partners support this wonderful school and community.